Dec 19, 2022

Three Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Get More Clients

Are you tired of worrying about clients and not having enough of them? Or maybe you haven’t even started your business yet and you are thinking, “I don’t even know how to get my first client.” 

Well, we have great news for you! We’ve got 3 Quick and Easy things you can do right now (literally, right now) to get you more business. Even if you’re a seasoned pro and you are saying to yourself, “I’ve already tried those things and came up with nothing,” we are going to encourage you to give them a try again. I know, we can read your mind and you are thinking, “why the he** would I try them again if they didn’t work the first time?” The answer is simple, sales and marketing often take a little time for them to work. So do yourself a favor and keep reading!

Action Number One

Reach out to 10 people you know. These people could be your friends, family, or acquaintances. When it comes to growing your business we often assume the people around us know what we do. That is mistake number one. Then you think,  “if they had someone they knew who needed my services they would have told me already.” This is mistake number two. Mistake number one and number two are both assumptions that are oftentimes WRONG.

It’s not that those around us don’t want to help us. It's often they aren’t thinking about us and our cleaning business because we all have so much to think about already. The good news is most people are happy to help others grow their businesses. Your friends and family just need to be reminded and tell them exactly what you are looking for. 

Don’t worry, I know what you are thinking, “ok so what do I tell them when I reach out to my friends, family, or acquaintances?” The biggest thing to remember is to make it feel natural and authentic to you. It could be as simple as, “Hey- I know you know about my cleaning business and I appreciate your support since I started it. I am reaching out to a few friends like you to let you know I am taking on XX of new clients. I would much rather work with friends of a friend so thought I would shoot you a quick text to see if there is anyone that comes to mind who may need or want my services?”

Action Number Two

Connect with current clients. Current clients are sometimes the easiest people to help us grow our business. You can keep this one as simple as making a plan to talk to them the next time you see them or shoot them a text. 

When reaching out to current clients for referrals I always like to start off by thanking them for their business. Then it’s helpful to mention how much you enjoy them because it not only makes them feel good but can help you into the next item of business- getting referrals. 

I would say something like this, “I have really enjoyed working with you over the last XX years/months. I am really trying to be intentional about the clients I take on and would love to have more clients who are like you. Some of my best clients have been referrals from current clients. Any chance there are one to two friends of yours you think would enjoy my services and we would be a good fit?” If the client says yes- make a point to ask them if they would be willing to make an introduction. 

Added Bonus You may even mention to your existing clients if they refer you to another client you will give them a discount on a future cleaning. Of course, this is totally optional but may be a welcomed added bonus and help you eliminate your problem of having to single-handedly grow your own business. 

Action Number Three

This one I call “fittin it in.” I never want to be thought of as the annoying person that is always hustling for business but you better believe I will make sure to “fit it in” (mention my business) whenever I can. Here are two examples I will share to paint the picture a bit better.

Example One: Kid’s Soccer Game

I was sitting on the side of the field with a bunch of moms and one mom said, “I am so overwhelmed between everything at home and work I could scream.” 

Then I responded, “I know, it is so hard to manage it all. If you ever want someone from our team (or if you are a solo-preneuer letting them know you would be happy to fit them into your schedule) to help with the house cleaning stuff give me a shout.” 

And guess what, that next week she texted me and asked about our rates and we have been cleaning for her ever since. 

Example Two: Meeting With My Husband

My husband and I were at a meeting and we got to talking about them being short-staffed and overwhelmed. I mentioned to him one of the businesses we own is a cleaning business. If he ever wanted to outsource their office cleaning needs, please give us a call. He said that would be really helpful. I didn’t hear from him after that meeting. Instead of waiting, I emailed him a week later and asked him if they were still feeling overwhelmed and if he would like our team to come in and provide him with a quote for cleaning services. I got an immediate response back saying, “yes, please come in tomorrow.” 

And guess what, they hired us immediately. 

There you have it, three things you can do right now to help you get more clients. We love hearing from you email us at and let us know which action you had the best results in! We are all about helping YOU elevate YOUR business and want to ensure you don’t feel like you have to do it alone!

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